A Stern Warning Against Complacency

.99 cent Kindle Special

This book is a Last Days’ warning to the Church. Stating that the return of Jesus is near, the author asks a poignant question, “Will Jesus be coming for you? Or, will you hear him say, ‘Depart from Me. I never knew you.’ ”

This is a stern warning against complacency perpetuated by wrong doctrine. In this book, the author presents fundamental teachings that will help one discern the Kingdom of God, and what is required to enter. 

Digging deep into Scripture, the author journeys, records and comments through a resounding amount of teachings and scripture verses, offering an overview of the main elements of salvation and the Kingdom of God. Sound Biblical doctrine remains the focus to include the parables of Jesus. Developed through much study, one would do well to read this book and discern for themselves and ask, Are they going to Heaven or have they been deceived either by self, the world or both?

With discernment and insight, this book has 64 chapters explaining who goes to hell with many other teachings explaining the temporal and the eternal. While that may sound daunting, the book is laid out well, giving each chapter its own subject title. 

Making each subject easily understandable, the reader will understand what the Kingdom of Heaven is like, understand Who Jesus is and why we need to be re-born into the Kingdom of God, understand who goes to hell, and so much more, while offering fresh revelation, insight and inspiration into our inheritance as believers in Christ. One will come away knowing the paradigm of the two co-existing realities: the Kingdom of God in Heaven and on the Earth. Additionally, both the New and Old Covenant teachings are also included within the book, which gives readers a firm grasp of the curse of death that Adam brought and the new life Jesus offers through His death on the cross.

Influential, powerful and most importantly Biblical, this book is full of wisdom for these Last Days to becoming a pure and spotless Bride that Jesus is returning for.

Title: Who Goes to Hell: The Lie Christians Believe
By: Rick Hamlet
A CBM Book Review
10.0+ out of 10.0 stars

Highly Recommended For Every Person, Believer Or Not, To Review And Consider ~
CBM Christian Book Reviews

This is a highly recommended read for every Christian, unbeliever and skeptic.
Get your copy of Who Goes to Hell: The Lie Christians Believe as a download in Kindle.

Life’s Unexpected Twists and Turns

A Must Read Book - Finding Christ Through the Chaos: A Mother’s Walk with Christ, Caring for Her Special Needs Child Son that Couldn’t by Gina Insinna Rice is her life story from childhood, giving birth to a son born with cerebral palsy and finding Christ through it all. 

Her life’s unexpected twists and turns reveal an intimate walk with God and the discovery of His presence through a series of encounters. Her story is unique as she describes the chapters of her family’s lives through a whirlwind of events. 

Her story is amazing, heartwarming, and touching. Readers will laugh and cry but will also be greatly encouraged by her constant faith in God, as she candidly shares memorable moments and reveals a sense of humor all the way through.

The theme that resonates throughout her testimony is that Gina simply never gave up.  At the age of twenty-one, caring for a special needs child brought her joy, tears and a perseverance not from this world, but that came from God as He gave her strength for the journey. Both Gina and her husband also remain a “statistic” in her community (parents with special needs children that remain married), giving all the glory to God.

Gina has written her testimony to share with others God’s faithfulness and to encourage caregivers of special needs children. Surely, her book is a testament to faith in God no matter the circumstance, that gives triumph to a mother’s unending love (and father’s), unfolding a true love story of triumph, loyalty, the bonds of family and God that are unbreakable. Throughout she expresses her love to God and to others, revealing a simple walk of trusting in Him one day at a time.  

Inspiring and uplifting, this book is memorable and comes highly recommended for all that may be suffering, or for those who may be caring for a sick child or parent. 

Get your copy of Finding Christ Through the Chaos at Amazon and in Kindle as a download.

Title: Finding Christ Through the Chaos: 
A Mother’s Walk with Christ, Caring for Her Special Needs Child Son that Couldn’t
By: Gina Insinna Rice
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

The Little Boy and The Big Oak Tree - Kids Books

The First Seed
David Witman 
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

The First Seed by David Witman is a colorful and beautifully illustrated children’s book depicting an old oak tree (as modern academia) and a little boy who have an interesting conversation. 

The little boy is able to look up to this big oak tree and ask, “Where did you come from and how did you get to be so big?” The old oak tree answers cordially, and has the same answer back to the boy every time with the exception of different seeds the tree came from. Question after question, the little boy asks and asks, until he finds out where the original seed came from.

With a series of answers, the last question that the little boy asks cannot be answered. Parents can answer for the book to dispel naturalistic views and introduce that the first seed came from a eternal being, namely God, who created the very first seed by intelligent design.

Helping children recognize the systematic problem with “conjecture,” this book makes children think. Pointing children to God as the Creator of everything contained in the Universe, the author dispels evolution (and naturalistic views) brought forth by Academia’s as the ultimate and true fact.

With wit and a curious little boy, the author teaches children that we didn’t just “magically evolve” from one thing into the next thing as our science books are teaching our children as fact. The author has given children just enough knowledge of plant life and DNA to help them understand God and Science, and that God created all DNA and plants.

This is a wonderful story to share with children to make them think about our world, and help them understand that God created all things. Beautifully written.

You may get your copy of The First Seed at Amazon or in Kindle as a download.

Misconceptions of Healing, Blessings and Miracles in the Church

New Book Release - Misconceptions of Healing, Blessings and Miracles in the Church by Tiza Joseph Nyirenda speaks of doctrinal and Biblical error that the Church is participating in and writes to correct these errors. His hopes are that the Church will rise up in effectiveness and power through the Holy Spirit.

Beginning with a statement from Kathryn Kuhlman, “A little knowledge and an over-abundance of zeal always tend to be harmful. In the area involving religions truths, it can be disastrous.” With that said, the author writes to educate and equip the Body of Christ in the area of misconceptions in regards to healings, and gives inspiration to be witnesses of the great miracles and blessings of God.

Stating that, “People are zealous for God, but zeal without a deeper understanding of the Word of God can lead down destructive paths.” Additionally stating that there is a need for the Body of Christ to differentiate truth from error. He writes his book with candor and bases his book on Biblical wisdom. 

He speaks of fanaticism that has taken over the Church and has largely included examples from Africa, although fanaticism is taking place worldwide within the Church. He makes sure that readers understand that his book is not an attack on healing evangelists, but states we must learn from our mistakes, the past and from Scripture.

His book is written to give a deeper understanding of the ways Jesus heals, performs miracles and the blessings of God. Addressing such questions as medical interventions, work ethic, and the power of prayer, the author has also included a synopsis of some of the great healing evangelists such as William Branham, Oral Roberts and Gordon Lindsay, to include Kathryn Kuhlman. Scripture interpretation, common sense and Biblical wisdom make his book an informative read that disputes error in the Church.

This is a must-read for every Christian to consider as they look to God for the healing miracles in their lives and the lives of others.

Title: Misconceptions of Healing, Blessings and Miracles in the Church
By: Tiza Joseph Nyirenda
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Illuminated: Beyond the Cross

David Hess ~ My own brokenness and struggles as well as other believers wrestling in bondage to sin is the very heartbeat that started me down this journey. The Lord told me He was going to reveal false doctrine to me. He said when the lie becomes illuminated, it will no longer exist, and its power will cease.

Follow me along this journey so you can experience this illumination of His light into some dark areas of understanding, so you too can walk in these new revelations in His marvelous Light. The Lord told me it is not what we know that is our problem, it is what we don’t know. This book is not about my testimony, although you need to understand my personal struggles and the path that brought me to this place. This book is not about living in sin; however, I will talk about sin and how to become free from it. It is important that you understand that you and your loved ones are not alone in the battles we all face. As He guided me to seek Him, He told me to set my mornings aside, Holy unto Him. So, for the last 9 months, I have done just that, every day for 4, 6, or more hours a day. My ability to fulfill this came from a deep brokenness that resulted in me seeking, listening, trusting and obeying Him. He has spoken revelations to me, which I then confirmed in the scriptures.

These revelations have set me free, and they will set you, your family and loved ones free, free from the bondage of sin. He enlightened the need for this Truth, so we can be in one accord, just as they were in Acts chapter two in the upper room. He enlightened the need for this understanding in order for Him to come back for His Spotless Bride. A Bride free from the bondage of sin. You will become enlightened to the exact date your own personal spirit was created. You will be enlightened to why it was necessary for Christ to sweat drops of blood in the garden of Gethsemane. You will be enlightened to the meaning of being baptized with Christ, crucified with Christ, and resurrected WITH Christ. You will be enlightened to how you were in Christ from the foundations of the world. As you read this book, your understanding of His Word will be illuminated by His Light.

As we have read the Word in the past, we have settled for an unsettled understanding of certain scriptures. He has told me it is time to quit settling with being unsettled. It is time to get a divine understanding of these scriptures. He has led me, taught me, and told me to Trust Him. I have brought forth these teachings from Him. As I have obeyed and trusted him, He has led me to truths for such a time as this.

This brings about a new dilemma for me. Being an average Joe, I have had the opportunity, like most believers, to have heard God’s voice several times over the past 30 years. For me to now say that the Lord has spoken to me the very teachings in this book over the last 9 months sounds boastful or prideful. Although it seems outrageous that the Lord would choose me, by not saying this would imply that somehow, I figured this out and this teaching on my own. In truth, that would be much more boastful as well as not true. So, humbled, I tell you that what I am bringing to you is not on my authority, but by the authority of the One who called me. As you will see from my testimony, I am not worthy of such truths! Nor could I or any man seek and find the truths He has shown without His direction and His interpretation. I am going to bring to you the very words that have directed me, words that once were taught to others before me but, their meanings have been hidden.

We have been blinded by man’s tradition and the enemy has kept us in bondage through these words. Yet, they have been spoken again by the Spirit of Truth. Enjoy the journey and find a freedom in Christ we all have been seeking!

Visit Voice of Truth Ministries, David Hess! Illuminating the Truth, Exposing the Lies, Setting the Captives Free! for some great ministry. Pick up your copy of Illuminated: Beyond the Cross at Amazon or in Kindle as a download.

Christian Author, Writer Bob Palumbo

If you have ever been in awe of a beautiful sunset, the tranquility of a rainstorm, or the sheer power of the sea, you might have also wondered if there might be something more, cleverly stitched into the handiwork of our marvelous Creator. He chose to design a number of opposing forces such as light and darkness, hot and cold, male and female, and even life and death. These were not random occurrences. But what do they all mean and what can we learn from them?
We can clearly see in what He has made that there is a perfect balance to it all, uniquely fashioned for us to experience life as we know it. But has God actually autographed His work, putting more of His divine nature on display in the things we experience all around us?
• The beginning and order of creation
In his illuminating book, author Bob Palumbo explores the clues God has left that may reveal His true nature to those who seek Him. God, in His infinite wisdom, has veiled Himself among the natural forces at work in the universe. Yet, He wants to be found, to be known and mostly to be loved. This book was written specifically for those who hunger to know God better. The author finds thought-provoking concepts and contrasts, including: • Light vs. darkness • Gravity vs. centrifugal force • Order vs. chaos • Faith vs. fear • The miracle of human reproduction
The answers may surprise you. Dig into God’s Word today with this deep analysis of His creative mastery. Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find. The answers are there for us, if we only look close enough. Unlocking Creations is available at Amazon..

The First Seed

Christian parenting…a sense of helplessness can overcome the best of Christian parents when they encounter the “great neutralizer” known as the public school science class. Today, this environment can be brutal for your child. Everything you have taught your child up to this point is hit head on with non-absolute dogma. They now enter a world of contradictions while their peers watch closely for every answer they give that contradicts the “teacher,” labeling them as stupid and backward. We are losing way too many of our children to a world view that isn’t even rooted in empirical science. Here is the problem. How do we raise our children with absolute beliefs in a world driven toward non-absolutes? Nowhere is this more incontrovertible than in the curriculum of science. There is portrayed no other view by academia but that of the naturalistic. As we know the naturalistic mindset precludes any possibility of supernatural influence on creation, which in essence shuts the door on true science and leaves no room for the intellectual seeking from the students. Every child needs to feel important and special. Naturalism robs them of this very basic dignity and need. Evolution is a painfully shallow theory built solely upon conjecture and presented in our schools as “fact” with no obligation to the children to answer legitimate logical questions. The First Seed is a modern allegory that teaches children how to think critically and discern conjecture when they hear it. When the great oak tree (which represents academia) cannot answer the final question of the little boy, the parent reading this book can answer his question honestly with “God.”