Christian Author, Writer Bob Palumbo

If you have ever been in awe of a beautiful sunset, the tranquility of a rainstorm, or the sheer power of the sea, you might have also wondered if there might be something more, cleverly stitched into the handiwork of our marvelous Creator. He chose to design a number of opposing forces such as light and darkness, hot and cold, male and female, and even life and death. These were not random occurrences. But what do they all mean and what can we learn from them?
We can clearly see in what He has made that there is a perfect balance to it all, uniquely fashioned for us to experience life as we know it. But has God actually autographed His work, putting more of His divine nature on display in the things we experience all around us?
• The beginning and order of creation
In his illuminating book, author Bob Palumbo explores the clues God has left that may reveal His true nature to those who seek Him. God, in His infinite wisdom, has veiled Himself among the natural forces at work in the universe. Yet, He wants to be found, to be known and mostly to be loved. This book was written specifically for those who hunger to know God better. The author finds thought-provoking concepts and contrasts, including: • Light vs. darkness • Gravity vs. centrifugal force • Order vs. chaos • Faith vs. fear • The miracle of human reproduction
The answers may surprise you. Dig into God’s Word today with this deep analysis of His creative mastery. Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find. The answers are there for us, if we only look close enough. Unlocking Creations is available at Amazon..