Prevention and Protection

This book comes as a highly recommended guide and handbook for parents and caregivers as well as for those dealing with such issues, pastors, police, counselors, child psychologists, medical staff, and the court system will find this information useful in teaching child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention and protection!

Overcoming Abuse: Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Protection--A Guide for Parents Caregivers and Helpers by Reina Davison offers a 3-part handbook to parents, caregivers, and helpers to aid in protection against child sexual abuse. 

Coupled with the use of Biblical principles, stages of development in children, this book teaches, educates and gives parents the arsenal they need to educate themselves and their families in either prevention or healing from traumatic child sexual abuse (CSA).

Giving the definitions of child sexual abuse (CSA) and the staggering statistics in our nation, coupled with the abuse worldwide – the abuse of children is unprecedented. Our day and age is raging with this sin against the most innocent of beings – children. Abuse comes in many forms and can be quite insidious, thus the author’s efforts focus on sexual abuse. She also gives insight into the psychiatric dynamics of a sexual predator or offender. Her book is well-rounded and an overview on the subject of CSA that gives knowledge, help and guidance as a manual for prevention and protection against such crimes.

As a comprehensive handbook, one can glean the contents and find out not only how to use her guide, but understand how to limit internet media and device pornography, recognize strategies of perpetrators, giving tips of what to do and what not to do – parents, caregivers and helpers can help recognize, prevent and protect children against childhood sexual abuse. This guide is an invaluable resource, offering also an overview of the main reasons for abuse (the psychology of abusers) to help readers spot unsafe behaviors, giving them a guidebook in tracking and preventing child sexual abuse.

With a section on educating your child on this subject, this book takes all the pieces of a giant puzzle, and even sheds light on the judicial system in relation to this issue. With different stages of age, such as birth to toddler, toddler to five, six to twelve, and twelve to eighteen, the author has broken down the different stages of growth, exposing the different levels of opportunity that sexual predators may use against a child at these ages, along with age appropriate environments and care providers.

Overcoming Abuse:
Child Sexual Prevention and Protection
By: Reina Davison
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Stop by and visit author Reina Davison at Overcoming Abuse for more information about her books.You may get your copy of Overcoming Abuse: Child Sexual Prevention and Protection at Amazon or in Kindle as a download.