Signs, Wonders and Healings

Christian author releases a wonderful read for children and adults alike. Focused on scripture, the author tells of a young man’s encounter with an Angel in a dream.  The boy sets out on a journey, dedicating his life to serve Jesus Christ and show a needy world the love of Christ through many signs, wonders and healings.  

As the young boy travels through the countryside there are many divine appointments and miracles that begin to happen.  The young boy is used to hearing the voice of the Lord and the book is built on a sense of faith building, intertwining scriptures that usher in faith to believe.  Encouraging and refreshing, this book reminds us that we can believe in Christ’s Word. 

Recommended for young readers between the ages of 9-13, this book also is recommended to build faith for mature readers that enjoy a good storyline intertwining faith and the Bible for entertainment. This is one of those stories that seep deep down into the heart, creating a yearning for more of God.  Highly recommended for young readers, this book will ignite passion and faith to follow Jesus Christ.