By: Author Brian D. Starr
ISBN # 978-1469137933
Review Date: February 23, 2012
Reviewed by CBM Christian Book Reviews
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars
"Blessings of Knighthood" by Author Brian Daniel Starr is an intricate and extensive educational book that divulges the secrets of the Christian/Judea religion that are not visible to the average Christian, who without a study of genealogy and knighthood, would have no knowledge of the subject. As the author states, "All the secrets of the known religion are no doubt in the Vatican and are known to different families and orders." This book will uncover the subject of Knighthood, Saints, genealogy of the ancient Israelite Priests and biblical figures while giving a comprehensive look at the nine most worthy warriors of times past from three eras: the Christian era, the Hebrew (Biblical) era and from three other cultures-Roman, Greek and Macedonian. This unique work is a valuable and highly informative read if one views history and genealogy, knighthood and sainthood in the right light, holding to the perception that these subjects play a very important part in our world, our history and our religions.
With careful observation and exhaustive research that is available in this modern day and would not be obtainable in the past as the author states, Brian Daniel Starr has left a legacy of genealogy going back to the mysteries of the Priest and the Knight, discussing the Crucifixion of the Lord, giving an overview of the branches of Jerusalem and the first century to the Five Generation Genesis of God to include the Davidic, Aaronic Levitical, the Gamalas and the Arimethia lineages. The author continues his research to traverse this wide span of knowledge into charts and graphs, giving the reader a visual to the diverse landscape of genealogy. The author also discusses the descendants of Mary, the daughters of Mary, the sons of Mary and gives a rather extensive roll call of the all the famous Saints of Old as named in the Bible such as Mary, Joseph and James.
Concisely, the book reveals the lineage of the High Priests of Israel to include the lives from Ahab and Jehokim and follows with the ancient lineage of biblical figures such as Sarah, Abraham and Solomon's marriage to the Queen of Egypt. This research also takes a look at some from the time of King David until the time of war of the Jews with Rome discussing how the Levitical line of Levi, the Israelite's descendants, married into the house of David. The author systematically weaves in lineage from the Israelite Levi and continues by discussing the Order of Knighthood. Additional Saints from early Christianity are also included, as well as the lineage in some Greek mythology and ancient figures such as Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, and Sir Hector.
The author includes the apostle guardianship, the Law of the Lord, Law in the Knight and crimes and the prevention of them to include the blending of the religions Hebrew, Greek and Roman. This work is an exceptional research project that took many, many hours to complete. This read is a highly educational, thought provoking work, challenging the reader to unlock and know the secrets of histories past genealogy and lineage of the Christian/Judea religion.
For more information about Author Brian Starr, the book Blessings of Knighthood and other books by Author Brian Starr, visit Brian D. Starr. You can also order Blessings of Knighthood on Amazon.
Blessings of Knighthood by Brian D. Starr
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars
Christian Book Reviews by CBM Christian Book Reviews