It's emails like this from Author Josephina Hernandez that bring joy to our hearts. I wanted to share the following with you to encourage you to press forward in your desires to not only find success as a author, but also to share the Kingdom of God with others through your writing talents ....
~ Dear CBM,
I can't thank you enough for your help in promoting my book. The book review that CBM wrote about my book has led to the signing of a contract with a creditable PR firm, NY and CA based. We are starting with TV, Radio and Media with plans to hopefully have talks with the right people in the movie industry about a potential movie deal. The public relations firm decided to offer me a contract, after having read CBM's Christian Book Review of my book.
Thank you for your professionalism, guidance and thank God that I found CBM Christian Book Marketing.
Josephina Hernandez,
Chief Prince Archangel Michael Of the Heavenly Wars
CBM Christian Book Marketing