Professional Proof Reading and Copy Editing
Whether you're in the process of completing your manuscript or you're struggling to perfect it, our professional Christian Editing Services will help you to perfect your work and provide you with the peace of mind of knowing that everything has been double checked and fine tuned!
~Proofreading, Copy Editing, and Formatting
Our manuscript editing services will help to clean up your work and fine tune it to perfection. We will help you to identify and correct any weak points or other issues page by page.
Upon completion you will have a much more professional manuscript that is much stronger and that will be free of spelling errors, grammatical errors, typographical errors and other errors that could greatly hinder your publication and success.
We do not rewrite your story. You will be able to see what suggestions and changes we have made giving you the final say so. You are the author, it's your book and we understand the endless hours and hard work that you have put forth.
PROOFREADING involves reading and finding typographical errors, punctuation errors, misspellings, formatting inconsistencies and making those corrections.
COPY EDITING covers all the above, but also includes correcting grammar, word usage, capitalization, word breaks, tones, and format. There is light copy editing, medium copy editing and what is considered heavy copy editing.
FORMATTING — addresses style, chapter formatting (check for correct page numbers, table of contents, margins, headings, spacing, indentations / paragraphs, quotes, references, proper use of blank pages, footnotes / end notes).
Regardless of whether you are self publishing, using a print on demand publisher or submitting your manuscript to a publisher for consideration, professional proofreading and editing can make a huge difference.
Christian Book Marketing's Editing Services