Author Media Blogs Made Simple

Are you looking to design and build a simple yet affective authors site to showcase your book, the book description, about the author and provide other important information. Maybe you would like to create a blog that does the above and also creates a online meeting place for your readers to find you and read your latest posts.

Here is a simple authors blog that provides the above and more. If you need some help in getting started and some assistance in the design process, contact us as we would love to help you.

Author, Christine Prescott

Spiritual Nutrition: Healthy Eating for the Christian Heart

Author, Christine Prescott

Spiritual Nutrition: Healthy Eating for the Christian Heart focuses on the development of healthy spiritual habits by identifying five core spiritual nutrients and comparing them to their physical counterparts:
•Prayer is like water-vital for life and essential for survival.
•Bible study is like protein necessary for growth.
•Christian fellowship is like carbohydrates-gives us energy.
•Worship is like healthy fats-helps keep our hearts healthy,
•Thinking on good things is like vitamins-necessary for helping the othernutrients work effectively.

Visit Author, Christine Prescott at Spiritual Nutrition

Building A Sucessful Authors Blog

Over the years I have seen hundreds of authors sites and blogs. From the basic to the extravagant there are many of them. I have found that simplicity attracts more attention and readers than sites that are overwhelmed with flash. Most book readers are the same and if one studies some of the biggies with regards to online book stores, one will find professionalism, great photos, great content and simplicity.

If you are a new author that needs a professional author media site, contact us. We can help you put a authors site together and create a online presence for you that will showcase your books, provide the right information and get you the author promotions and book marketing that will help you find success.

For further information and some personal interactions contact us at or visit is at Author Media Blogs & Book Marketing

Author Book Marketing Blogs

To a author, a author media blog is like a business card to a major corporation. A authors blog is where you showcase your book, its description and share who you are as a author. It is where book lovers and interested parties get to know you, contact you, and order your books.

If you are a author needing some help creating a professional site or blog, contact us via email at , we can help.